Ko Gar Lei, Clarie

Professional Title 專業資格
AThR, Registered Arts Therapist 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師
Issuing Authority/Training Institute 簽發機構/培訓機構
ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association)
Registration Number 註冊號碼
Contact Number & Address 聯絡電話及地址
9128 8421
L701, The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong
Email 電郵
Website 網址
Social Media 社交媒體
Instagram: vooahk
Academic Qualifications 學歷
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) [Distinction], Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information Systems), the University of Hong Kong
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy, The University of Hong Kong
Expertise 專長
Clarie provides expressive arts therapy individual and group services to various population:
Children with special needs or emotional needs and their parents
Adolescents / Adults with emotional needs
Adults with Intellectual disability or physical impairment
General public for personal growth
Working Experience 工作經驗
Co-founder of VOOA (The Voyage of Arts) which provides expressive arts therapy service since 2019 - present
Expressive Arts Therapist / Senior Art Development Office at Po Leung Kuk Elderly service (2023-2024)