關於我們 About Us
Organisational Structure
張文茵博士 Dr. Fiona Chang
創會主席及榮譽顧問 Founding Chairperson & Honorary Advisor:
榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisors:
Anin Utigaard
Professor Rainbow Tin Hung Ho
Jack. S. Weller
(extended posthumously)
* 排名以英文名稱字母順序排列
* In alphabetical order
REAT®, R.S.W., Certified Supervisor (ACA)
Part-time Lecturer,
Social Work Department,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong
Faculty, Person-Centered Expressive Arts
註冊表達藝術治療師 REAT®,
婚姻及家庭治療師 MFT
國際表達藝術治療協會共同創辦人Founding Co-chair of IEATA
Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education), Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor, Department of Social Work & Social Administration
Director, Centre on Behavioral Health
Director, Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Program
The University of Hong Kong
Founding Co-chair of IEATA
Former Rudolph Schaeffer Professor of Arts & Creativity at the California Institute of Integral Studies
Our Committee
主席 Chairperson
陳怡成先生 Mr. Chan Yi Shing, Eason
副主席 Vice-Chairperson
李小敏小姐 Ms. Lee Siu Man, Angie
秘書 Secretary
洪凱兒小姐 Ms. Hung Hoi Yi, Phoebe
社區藝術服務 Community Arts Service
陳婷曦小姐 Ms. Chan Ting Hai, Janella
范薏筠小姐 Ms. Fan Yee Kwan, Morgan
吳興芳小姐 Ms. Ng Hing Fong, Sharon
專業責任保險 Professional Indemnity Insurance
關歡頴小姐 Ms. Kwan Foon Wing, Kitty
顏智懿小姐 Ms. Ngan Chi Yee, Kitty
專業發展 Professional Development
陳玉琪小姐 Ms. Chan Yuk Ki, Eunice
湯嘉敏小姐 Ms. Tong Ka Man, Carmen
公關及宣傳 Public Relations and Media
陳煥婷小姐 Ms. Chan Woon Ting, Claudia
彭康晴小姐 Ms. Pang Hong Ching, Ruby