Ho Yuen Wai, Vennus

Professional Title 專業資格
AThR, Registered Arts Therapist 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師
Issuing Authority/Training Institute 簽發機構/培訓機構
ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association)
Registration Number 註冊號碼
Contact Number & Address 聯絡電話及地址
Email 電郵
Website 網址
Social Media 社交媒體
Academic Qualifications 學歷
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy, The University of Hong Kong
Master of Social Science, The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Work (Hons.)
Expertise 專長
Vennus has extensive experience as a social worker, expressive arts therapist, senior executive and trainer, with an interdisciplinary focus that spans the fields of gerontology, palliative care, spirituality, and expressive arts. Training in different disciplines indeed increased Vennus’ passion and sensitivity to the meaning of spirituality in end-of-life care and the presence in human interaction during the times of life and death. Vennus is dedicated to integrating arts into life and promoting spirituality and wellness of people. She has been addressing the spiritual needs of elderly and family caregivers of people with terminal illness and employing expressive arts therapy to fill the niches of practice and research. Therefore, she established ARTSpirit, a personal brand to integrate expressive arts therapy into arts-informed practice and research to address the spirituality of people in the wake of grief and loss so as to support people to experience self-transforming journey and maximize the full potential and inner resources of human being.
Meanwhile, she also takes lead of establishing and developing ArTeTRIO, a new brand under The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Kwong Yum Care Home (Integrated Aged Care Service) to collaborate with 60 to 110 aged senior artists to express their thoughts and feelings in latter life through the integration of richness of lived experience and infinite imagination.
Working Experience 工作經驗
Vennus has been providing counseling and expressive arts therapy for people with dementia, depression, terminal illness and their family caregivers. Meanwhile, she provides clinical supervision for students and staff, as well as training and consultancy services in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In addition, she delivers teaching in the various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and published several books and journals in the area of dementia care and completed several evidence-based studies.