Yeung Yan Ki

Professional Title 專業資格
AThR, Registered Arts Therapist 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師
Issuing Authority/Training Institute 簽發機構/培訓機構
ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association)
Registration Number 註冊號碼
Contact Number & Address 聯絡電話及地址
Email 電郵
Website 網址
Social Media 社交媒體
Instagram: yankiathr
Academic Qualifications 學歷
香港大學 表達藝術治療碩士
嶺南大學 視覺研究系榮譽文學士
Expertise 專長
Working Experience 工作經驗
Yanki has been working in community mental health settings for many years in counselling providing support to individuals with mental illness before started her career in Expressive Arts Therapy. Hence, she has provided individual/ group sessions and workshops of Expressive Arts Therapy for a wide range of users, such as children with special education needs, people with mood disorders, youth with emotional disturbances and stress problems, and elderly with dementia etc.