留離時光 - 表達藝術體驗活動
A little “Me-Time” in Expressive Arts
7 & 14 Aug 2022
13:00 - 18:00
Breakthrough Book Gallery
Breakthrough Centre G/F
191 Woosung St, Jordan
<留離時光 - 表達藝術體驗活動>
因著最近疫情緊張及社會上的變遷,各人都很需要放鬆抒壓的空間。我們相信藝術能夠盛載情感及幫助我們抒發情緒,讓心靈可以放空一會。是次「留離時光」- 表達藝術體驗活動由香港表達藝術治療師協會舉辦,希望藉著今次活動讓公眾人士透過表達藝術能夠關顧到身心靈健康的需要。
2022年8月14日 (星期日)
登記報名: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSf4YjkeRO6lGX.../viewform
<A little “Me-Time” in Expressive Arts>
Facing different recent changes in our society amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, we all need space to relieve our stress and to relax. We believe that art is a good way for expressing emotions with containment. At this challenging time, EATAHK would like to raise public awareness of the importance of physical and psychological well-being.
Date of the event: 7/8/2022 and 14/8/2022 (Sunday)
Time period: 1pm – 6pm (50 mins /session)
Venue: Breakthrough Book Gallery
Breakthrough Centre G/F
191 Woosung St, Jordan
**The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese**
Registration: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSf4YjkeRO6lGX.../viewform