Chan Sze Wan, Peggy
Professional Title 專業資格
AThR, Registered Arts Therapist 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師
Issuing Authority/Training Institute 簽發機構/培訓機構
ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association)
Registration Number 註冊號碼
Contact Number & Address 聯絡電話及地址
9640 5312
Email 電郵
Website 網址
Social Media 社交媒體
Academic Qualifications 學歷
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy (Distinction), University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology major), University of Hong Kong
Certificate in Foundation Art and Design, HKU SPACE
Pastel Nagomi Art Advance Instructor, JPHAA
Developmental Transformations Level 1 Practitioner Training (Equivalent to the Level 1 Graduate of Institute of Developmental Transformations, USA)
Master of Arts in Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
表達藝術治療碩士 (優異), 香港大學
社會科學學士 (主修心理學), 香港大學
藝術及設計基礎證書, 香港大學專業進修學院
和諧粉彩正指導師, 日本希望和諧粉彩協
發展性轉化戲劇治療實習生 (美國發展性轉化學院與自由空間合辦)
藝術文學碩士, 香港中文大學
Expertise 專長
Provide expressive arts therapy services for individual case, therapeutic group, experiential workshop, community arts program, corporate training and psycho-education for a wide variety of population such as:
+ Children and teenagers with special education needs/behavioral problem and their carers,
+ Individuals with or recovered from mental illness,
+ Individuals with emotional disturbance or stress problem
+ Couple/ family/ individuals with interpersonal relationship issue
+ Elderly, etc.
一直致力於社區工作,現為香港表達藝術治療協會委員及 「藝述行」表達藝術治療中心創辦人之一。現於基督教家庭服務中心翠林長者日間護理中心、聖雅各福群會與共融教室擔任兼職治療師。香港中文大學專業進修學院擔住兼職講師。文章曾於 香港獨立媒體網InMedia、TheNewsLens 關鍵評論網、ohmykids、ParentsDaily 等媒體轉載。。
+兩性/ 家庭/ 受人際關係困擾人士;
Working Experience 工作經驗
Committee member of Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong (EATAHK).
Founder and director of "ExpresSoul Expressive Arts Therapy Service Limited Company".
Part-time therapist in Christian Family Service Centre Tsui Lam Day Care Centre for the Elderly.
Freelance therapist in social enterprise Link Education and St James' Settlement
Part-time instructor in CUHK School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Years of working experience includes case manager and researcher in an Early Psychosis Intervention Project, providing counselling and case management service to clients and their carers.