Zee Ting Kai, Terrence
Professional Title 專業資格
AThR, Registered Arts Therapist 註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師
Issuing Authority/Training Institute 簽發機構/培訓機構
ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association)
Registration Number 註冊號碼
Contact Number & Address 聯絡電話及地址
Email 電郵
Website 網址
Social Media 社交媒體
Facebook & Instagram: Tryangle.exat
Academic Qualification 學歷
Academic Qualification:
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy, The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professional Qualification:
Registered Arts Therapist (Expressive arts), ANZACATA ;
Registered Social Worker (Hong Kong);
Registered Circle of Security® Facilitator;
Certified Focusing Professional: Specialization in FOAT®, The International Focusing Institute(TIFI);
Certified FOAT® Practitioner, Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapist;
Certified Zentangle Teacher - Zentangle ®, Inc. Asia;
Certified LEGO® Based Therapy Facilitator - Bricks for Autism C.I.C.
ANZACATA Approved Supervisor
Professional member of the Australian, New Zealand and Asians Creative Arts Therapy Association (ANZACATA);
Professional member of Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong (EATAHK)
Expertise 專長
Terrence employs a multi-theoretical approach in his counselling and therapy work for group as well as individual cases. And he is good at integrating the theoretical underpinnings and techniques between social work and expressive arts therapy. He works with a diverse range of clients including:
Children, Adolescents and Adults with mental health problem;
SEN Students (ASD & ADHD), Caregivers and Parents of SEN Students;
Children and adolescents who suffered in Trauma, has developmental needs or intellectual disability;
Elders with dementia or stroke;
Substance abusers, LGBT, ethnic minorities etc.
He works on enhancing personal growth, self-compassion, self-care, self-efficacy, emotion expression and regulation etc. He would conduct sessions for individuals, workshops, group work, professional trainings, educational seminars, team-building and retreat according to the needs of clients.
Working experience 工作經驗
Terrence has been working in counselling and psychotherapy for 15+ years working experience.
Has provided individual/ group sessions/ workshops of Expressive Arts Therapy at various settings, such as Local schools, Children and Youth Services Centres, Elderly Centre, University, Parents Resource Centres, Trauma Counseling Center, Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services Centres etc;
Co-founder of "Tryangle Expressive Arts Therapy Room 三角表達藝術治療室"