The Expressive Arts Therapy Day 2019
19 Jan 2019
19:30 - 21:30
Mong Kok 56 Bute Street
The Expressive Arts Therapy Day 2019
香港表達藝術治療協會於2019年1月19日舉行《表達藝術治療日2019 》, 主題將為表達藝術與精神健康。 內容包括2個主題演講及9個工作坊,提供一個機會讓你認識本地合資格的表達藝術治療師。
EATAHK will be holding a one-day conference "the Expressive Arts Therapy Day 2019" - on the 19th JAN 2019. There will be 2 keynote presentations, 9 workshops, arts engagement and opportunities to meet our local qualified expressive arts therapists.
*經已截止報名 多謝支持!
*Application period has been closed, thanks for your support
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The Expressive Arts Therapy Day 2019"
日期Date: 2019年1月19日(六) / JAN 19 2019 (Sat)
時間Time: 0930 - 1700
地點Venue: 香港浸信會神學院應用神學教育中心
HK Baptist Theological College Applied Theological Education Center (旺角弼街56號/ Mong Kok 56 Bute St)
會員Member - 全日Full day $600, 半日Half Day $400
非會員 Non-member -全日Full day $900, 半日Half Day $600
Run Down
9:15-9:30 登記Registration
9:30- 9:45 開幕禮Opening
09:45-10:30 主題演講 Key-note : "Expressive Arts Heal: Because they feel better, they heal better”
Speaker: Dr. Eve WONG 黃惠蘭博士 (PsyD, MSW, EXAT, CST, PCCC(Hons))
Expressive Arts Therapist, Honorary Lecturer of “Use of Creative Arts”, The University of Hong Kong
10:30-10:45 小休Break
10:45-12:15 上午工作坊 Morning Workshops (Click for Details of Workshops)
12:15-12:45 藝術互動 Arts engagement
12:45-2:00 午餐Lunch
2:00-3:30 下午工作坊 Afternoon Workshops (Click for Details of Workshops)
3:30-3:45 小休Break
3:45-4:30 主題演講 Key-note: “表達藝術治療的服務成效和未來發展”
Speaker: Prof. Rainbow Tin Hung HO 何天虹教授 (PhD, REAT, BC-DMT, AThR, RSMT/E, CGP, CMA)
Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education), Faculty of Social Sciences,
Professor, Department of Social Work & Social Administration,
Director, Centre on Behavioral Health and Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Program, The University of Hong Kong
4:30-5:00 閉幕禮Closing rituals